Our core values are built on respect, dignity, companionship, personhood and relationship-based practice while promoting our service users’ right to choice and control of their lives...
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Our core values are built on respect, dignity, companionship, personhood and relationship-based practice while promoting our service users’ right to choice and control of their lives...
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We are committed to the delivery of empathic care and the provision of outstanding care experience...
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At RayRon Care We are Committed to Caring for You just the Way You Want it...
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Our passion lies in sending friendly, honest, reliable, empathic, and professional carers to support you with what matters most to you. ..
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Our Focus at RayRon Care is on You...
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We are committed to the delivery of empathic care and the provision of outstanding care experience...
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We go over and beyond to ensure our service users’ needs are satisfactorily met...
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Let us provide you with high-quality care!

Personal Care

We acknowledge individuals’ need and adopt a personalised approach…

Support Service

Enjoy an excellent and compassionate domiciliary care service in the comfort of your home…

Join Us

Recruiting carers and staff that are receptive of the requirements of our service users and their families…

Quality Work Through Dedication

RayRon Care Limited is a domiciliary care service that aims to offer excellent domiciliary home care services to individuals in Medway towns and its environs. Our overall aim is to provide a person-centred and outcome-focused care to all individuals we support.


At Rayron, we aim to provide practical support and help to individuals who require assistance and support due to illness, disability, frailty, or enablement following discharge from the hospital, in the comfort of their homes close to their families and loved ones. We are aware that the needs of individuals who use services evolve over time and innovative services are necessary to support various and diverse service users with varied needs. Therefore, we aim to offer an Effective, Well Led, Safe, Caring, Safe and Responsive service.

Why Choose Us

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 We aim to provide regulated services to individuals in the comfort of their homes, with an overarching mission of promoting our service users’ independence, choice, control, dignity, and respect. Our care focuses on companionship and the development of meaningful relationships between us and our service users with a passion for promoting our service users with choices and control of life.


Staff are fully inducted on safeguarding principles and signs of abuse…

24x7 Support

We provide emergency out of hours services on our 24hours  on call line…

Low Cost
Affordable Cost

We offer domiciliary care services with outstanding professional staff…